San Diego Comic Con Home

Photos I have taken over the years

Welcome to the show! Since Comic Con was cancelled due to the Chinese bat virus, I decided to post some of the pictures I’ve taken over the years. I hope to have a VR walk through of the 2019 Exhibit Hall before July 19th. We may not be at the show but we will at least see the show from last year.

I am currently learning new software so it will be a little hit and miss over the next few weeks. Below is a photo I’ve uploaded as I learn how to post large images on the site. WordPress keeps making them 500kb when I want them to be 2-3MB. I don’t know if that’s too large, we’ll see. The links above are crap but I hope to have buttons that will lead to pages that will have each year broken down into days. I also hope to set up a Youtube account and link videos to that. Thanks and God Bless all of you.